Vacation Home Loans
Relax… and get the second home of your dreams!
Let us help qualify you to buy a vacation home or refinance one you already have.

Vacation Home Loans Are Good For:
If you own a primary residence and are looking for a getaway home, you’ve come to the right place. Or, if you already have that vacation home and are thinking about refinancing it for a lower rate or taking cash-out, we’ve got you covered there, too. Apply with us to get started!
Vacation Home Loan Details
We have several mortgage options to help you buy or finance a second home!
Contact us to find out the different qualifications for each one.
A Pre-Approval from Absolute gives your offer more bargaining leverage. Sellers and agents know you’ve got your paperwork together and are ready to buy that second home.
One of our licensed Loan Officers will explain all the steps–from getting started, to locking in your low rate, to closing on your second home. Because we are a direct lender, if you have any questions during the loan process, you will have a direct line to us, enabling you to get quick answers straight from the source.
Secure your Vacation Home Loan At One of Our Branches
We’re in your local area, but if you can’t find a branch in your backyard, apply online and we’ll connect you with one of our Loan Officers near you.
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We aren’t lying about our service. When it comes to customer service, you get the Absolute best. See what our past and current clients have to say!
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